Children's Books

A selection of stories for children of all ages, written and illistrated by yours truly.
Available from Amazon, or a signed copy from me plus postage.
Published books
Peri and the Blue Frog
A Turtle Called Gaia
Corgi Magic
Leo Saves His Friend
Lola and the dragon
Max and The Magic Realm
Molly's Unicorn
Moon Song
Moon Teds
Peri and Myrtle the Turtle
Peri and the Mermaid
Shelldon Goes Up In The World
Sky Dance
Star Bear
The Perfect Puffin
Peri and the Blue Frog
Toot Toot Poot!
Craig the Crab Sees An Eclipse
Tilly Twitcher
A to Z and 1 to 10 with Peri and Friends